Banyan Tree Landscape Construction LLC has successfully completed 3 do it yourself irrigation systems in conjunction with willing homeowners.  In response to current economic conditions,  We have cut the cost of irrigation systems nearly in half for homeowners willing to participate in the installation process.

The process begins with onsite interview of the homeowner’s current and future water needs.  Banyan Tree ?Landscape designs an irrigation system that meets these needs.  Next step allows for an estimation of material costs, and a clear method of installation.  In the three examples this year the homeowner then completes all necessary excavation and trenching either themselves or through independently contracted labor.  Upon completion we provide a skilled irrigation support to install the technical aspects of the system.

This cooperative facilitated do it yourself irrigation system allowed three different clients to afford a professionally designed and installed irrigation system at nearly 40-50% savings.  We feel this is in alignment with our resilient principles and practices, by encouraging well thought out systems with high quality materials and future consideration at a price affordable to the general public.